#SatyapremKiKatha sucks sachi! I can barely see the movie which is in the typical mold of the 90s. A typical commoner chases a crazy rich gal. Sure shot till Bollywood exists, they would make a fool of the populace. Barely 10 minutes into the movie, I finished two chess games (blitz) and started reviewing the movie (just to distract myself from its boringness). And yes, in the first fifteen minutes of the movie, there are three songs; unfortunately, all of them suck. The movie has got a Gujarati background, and sometimes it is a bit difficult to understand the local lingos. Kiara must belong to the inner circle; otherwise, it would be impossible to keep on getting continuous opportunities, keeping in mind her horrible acting capabilities. Kartik tries to pull the movie on his shoulders. The only twist that can be noted is that the girl's parent pushes her into the marriage.
1) Hero drives a scooty before marriage and afterward he starts driving a car. When did he learn how to drive?
2) The action was pathetic, and even a kid can understand the hits were not real.
3) In a movie with a Gujrati story and Kashmir as a backdrop, a Punjabi song was played.
4) The protagonist says that he and the rapist are the same as both have imposed their will on the heroine. That's Bollywood's fake way of siding with the #Me2 movement (though most revelations were against so-called stalwarts of this industry).
5) Too many mediocre songs
1) Supriya Pathak - Whether as a vamp or consoling mom, she excels in all situations.
2) Apart from Kiara, no other actor has a dwindling effect.