Saturday, October 5, 2024

Thoughts, Will, and Fate!

It's a task arduous to forsake your thoughts.

Thoughts that act, akin to an envelope.

Similar to a forever cage, for my mind to escape, 

there lies absolutely no hope!

Your images flood my mind; 

capture my thoughts without any warning.

But, oh busy bee, do you too feel bothered?

I mean, does my thought too invade your mind?  

Or, is it just another one-way traffic?

Swayed simply by your fragrance, carried by the wind. 

I wonder whether or not you also feel the same.

Does your heart and mind too echo my name?

Do you love me as much as I do, 

and your feelings too reciprocate?

If yes, then we would end up together!

As will usually triumphs the fate!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Dedicated to My Stalker

Yes, I know, you still stalk my profile,

but do you want to be together till the last mile?

Both of us bear wounds, thanks to the breakup. 

Maybe it's high time that we kiss and makeup?

Intentionally, no one wishes to hurt, but different are perspectives.

Parting ways and heartache, are these only our love's incentives?

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Love at First Sight

The moment we met, I was doomed.
It just took one kiss, and my feelings bloomed.

It's the way you look at me, plus your femininity and  grace,
A single word from your mellowed voice vanishes all my rage.

When we first embraced, our hearts got synced.
They beat in rhythm together, even without us getting ringed.

Beauties are in every nook and corner, but you are rare!
That makes me drop to one knee, oh! I wish to dare!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Breadcrumbing Vs Love

If lie has a face; it is yours
If betrayal has an imprint; it is you, for sure!

I loved you, with all of my heart and soul!
I let go of everything; you were my goal.

In our one-way traffic; I gave it my all!
But you trampled on my heart to have a ball.

Our story is of my feelings and your manipulation.
All you did was breadcrumbing, and I thought in your arms were my destination!

Hope this heartache hardens me further; makes me cold!
And you find someone else for your fakeness to be sold.

I don't wanna even think about you; don't wanna even say goodbye!
I don't wanna see you again; even if it costs me an eye.

My heart would mend again; I would meet someone new!
You, sweetheart, would struggle, coz lovers like me, are only a few.

Monday, January 1, 2024

"Best" Buses (Not so Sure) but Certainly Worst Drivers

Amidst the hustle and bustle of Mumbai, one glaring issue stands out like a sore thumb: the recklessness and rudeness of the drivers of Mumbai's "Best" Buses. These ubiquitous red monsters are increasingly becoming synonymous with danger on wheels, posing substantial risks to other commuters, especially pedestrians and cyclists. 

Survive if You Can

The "Best" Buses, owned and operated by the Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) Undertaking, are meant to provide affordable and efficient public transportation. However, the reality on the streets of Mumbai tells a very different story. The drivers of these buses seem to have adopted a "survival of the fittest" mentality that makes the daily commute for many Mumbai residents an ordeal. 

Traffic Rule Violators

One of the most alarming aspects of the "Best" Buses' operation is the blatant disregard for traffic rules. It's not uncommon to see these hulking vehicles weaving in and out of lanes with scant regard for signals, pedestrian crossings, or even the safety of passengers on board. The honking symphony that these drivers, seem to conduct with enthusiasm, is deafening and disturbing. Instead of signalling their intentions with patience and care, they unleash a cacophony of noise that contributes to the already unbearable sound pollution in the city. 

Pedestrians Pay the Price

Pedestrians in Mumbai often play a high-stakes game of Frogger when attempting to cross the road. "Best" Buses seem to view zebra crossings as optional and continue to barrel through them as if they were nothing more than painted decorations on the asphalt. Jaywalking becomes a necessity for survival, as waiting for a "Best" Bus to halt for you is a risk that you would be wise not to take. 

Cyclists Bear the Brunt

Cyclists, often considered the most vulnerable commuters on Mumbai's chaotic streets, bear the brunt of this recklessness. The drivers of "Best" Buses rarely acknowledge their presence, and the close calls between buses and cyclists are far too frequent. These cyclists navigate an obstacle course where a single mistake can result in tragedy. But it's not just the traffic violations that are concerning; it's the attitude of the bus drivers towards other road users.

Rude Drivers and Support Staff 

The rudeness displayed by many "Best" Bus drivers is appalling. Encountering an arrogant bus driver who believes they own the road is an unfortunate rite of passage for many Mumbaikars. Verbal abuse, rude gestures, and a complete lack of empathy are all too common. 

Questions to be Answered

Now, the answer to this critical question, "From where do these uncouth drivers acquire such monstrous egos (akin to the size of the buses they drive)" is simple - they have secured government jobs. They know they would get away even with crippling or killing someone. Yes, at the max, they would be suspended for a brief period. That is like "paid holidays". On top of that, these punks are overpaid, and that goes to their head. They get salaries at par with managers of MNCs, plus government-provided flats in Mumbai (where the rent is nearly 1/3rd of the ongoing market rate). 

Their counterparts, private drivers, don't even earn half of their income and still have to secure their accommodation. Most of them can't even afford to bring their families from the native. 

The Bottomline

In conclusion, authorities should chip the wings of these criminal attitude-carrying bus drivers. They should be severely and publicly punished for their offences. No support should be provided by the authorities. If they harm anyone due to their misadventures, the compensation should be taken from their salaries and pension. Also, akin to other sectors, either the bus services should be privatized or drivers should be hired on a contract basis. All existing secure job-holding drivers with complaints and accidents should be terminated with immediate effect. Let that be a lesson for other drivers to mend their ways.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

When to Take Vitamin D Supplements: A Timely Approach to Optimal Health

The pandemic has changed the planet forever. A huge part of the populace was locked down for a significant time. Inhabiting an unnatural environment compulsively affected a lot of their health negatively. 

One of those effects is vitamin D deficiency. Apart from that, lifestyle choices or compulsions can also result in the deficiency of vitamin D. Most probably, you are reading this article because either you or someone close to you is suffering from it. So, this article would try to provide comprehensive knowledge about vitamin D. 

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for augmenting intestinal absorption and retaining essential minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphate, etc.

Vitamin D is also known as “sunshine vitamin”. It is a nutrient that your body forms when exposed to vitamin D, and you can consume it via your food intake too. 

Why Vitamin D is Your Best Friend?

Vitamin D shoulders the responsibility to improve our overall health. It’s quite common knowledge that it facilitates the strengthening of bones and teeth by aiding in calcium and phosphorus absorption. 

Vitamin D also factors in the risk reduction of chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, it elevates immunity and dampens inflammation. Recent research also suggests that it improves your mood and thus takes care of your mental health too. 

How Much Vitamin D Do We Need? 

For an adult akin to you, the vitamin D requirement is 10 micrograms per day. If you have a baby below the age of one year, their requirement would be 8.5 to 10 micrograms daily.

Microgram is denoted by the Greek symbol μ plus the letter g, resulting in - μg. If you are more comfortable with International Units (IU), then you should know that one microgram equals 40 IU.

What Are the Best Sources of Vitamin D?

For people living in most parts of India (apart from the regions with extreme weather), the natural sunlight should suffice the vitamin D requirement. Our bodies automatically create vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Apart from that, here are some vitamin D-rich foods that you may consume-

  • egg yolks
  • fatty fish, such as herring, mackerel, salmon, and sardines
  • fish liver oils
  • fortified foods like breakfast cereals
  • milk
  • mushrooms

How Can I Get Enough Vitamin D if I Don't Spend Much Time Outside?

If the above question pops up in your mind, then here’s the solution:

Open up your spaces

Try to open up the space where you are. It implies that if you are in a car, you may consider opening up its windows or sunroof. Similarly, try to open the windows of your home and office too.

Get exposure early in the morning

Try to witness the sunrise and bask in the first rays. You can couple this action with a walk or even while enjoying your favourite beverage. The morning sunlight is generally mellowed. And it is a great way to meet a significant part of your daily vitamin D requirement.

Add fish to your diet

As you may have noted before, some fishes are a great source of vitamin D. So adding them to your diet would certainly be a wise decision.

Consume complete eggs 

A lot of the populace believes unjustly that egg consumption has a negative effect on our health. This list also includes some fitness enthusiasts and influencers. However, as you have read earlier, egg yolks are a rich source of vitamin D.

Should I Take a Vitamin D Supplement?

People suffering from vitamin D deficiency need to take vitamin D supplements. Apart from that, the following may also require it-

  • Elderly people
  • Expectant women and nursing mothers
  • Obese people
  • People suffering from chronic kidney disease
  • People suffering from parathyroid disease 
  • Post-menopausal women
  • Men and women on long-term steroids

What Are the Risks of Taking Too Much Vitamin D?

Akin to the universe, your body also thrives on balance! Hence, too much intake of vitamin D would do you more harm than good. One such consequence is hypercalcaemia, a build-up of calcium in the blood; it may cause frequent urination, nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Also, it may result in bone pain and kidney problems (like the formation of calcium stones).

In conclusion, we can say that beyond the common thought that vitamin D is not only good for our bones and teeth, it is a guardian angel for our overall health (including our mental health as well). However, we should be careful not to overdose on it. Striving for a balance, per a person’s specific condition, would secure the optimal outcome.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Your Reminiscence!

It's been years, aplenty,
still reminisce your eyes, semi-teary!
Eyes, which made me cower!

They demanded an unspoken commitment:
My heart, soul, and every essence of existence!
Yes, so high was the bar!

Romanticization is elementary, 
but how can one meet such a challenge?
Hence, we fell, terribly apart.

Destiny, of course, had its way! 
But feelings defy to drowse.
Doesn't matter that now we are vastly afar.