Sexual behavior is generally known as the actions by being(s) which result in sexual arousal. Society is the main regulating body of sexual behavior in humans. In primitive human, sexual regulation was nearly similar to animals. The strongest would dictate terms to the others. Rape, poaching, kidnapping, incest, and other sins/crimes by modern standards were quite common. With civilization, culture started affecting sexual behavior. In antiquity, the civilizations of Egyptians, Indians, Greeks, and Roman all had a positive outlook towards sex. Both Egyptians and Indians have even written treatises on sex and sexual behavior. Romans and Indians built beautiful statues dedicated to sex. Indians triumphed all by creating temples and monuments dedicated to sex. The constantly evolving culture could not actually hide all the traces of the primitive men in us. During wars, rape has nearly always used to traumatize the enemy population (especially females). Rape has been used during wars to change the demographics of the enemy race(s). Though rare but sexual perversions occur in each and every corner of the globe.
Societies regulate sexual behavior through sexual socialization. Like literally all of our behaviors, the knowledge about sex and perceived behaviors start at the lowest unit of the society, i.e, family. The family provides us the moral codes and social clues to direct our sexual behavior. As we grow we are mostly influenced by our peers in matters of our sexual behavior. Also, the media is a great influencer.
Our lives and behaviors today are more interconnected than ever. Even the remote corners of the globe are interconnected by various modes of communication and commutation. Eventually, we are tending towards similar human evolution standards. No wonder our sexual activities and behavior are getting liberal once again.
Societies regulate sexual behavior through sexual socialization. Like literally all of our behaviors, the knowledge about sex and perceived behaviors start at the lowest unit of the society, i.e, family. The family provides us the moral codes and social clues to direct our sexual behavior. As we grow we are mostly influenced by our peers in matters of our sexual behavior. Also, the media is a great influencer.
Our lives and behaviors today are more interconnected than ever. Even the remote corners of the globe are interconnected by various modes of communication and commutation. Eventually, we are tending towards similar human evolution standards. No wonder our sexual activities and behavior are getting liberal once again.
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