Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Marital Conflicts

The modern saying sums up marital conflicts in a sentence, "if you wish to fight, then get married." The saying thus implies that conflicts are inevitable in a marriage or relationship. Conflicts are not innately bad, but they should be handled properly. In case, your relationship is heading downhill, you need to act now.  

You may opt for marriage counseling if you experience one or more of the following instances-

  1. Barely speaking – In case you detest each other so much that you barely communicate beyond that is absolutely critical, then the time is right to visit a counselor. The counselor could aid you to initiate a conversation again by advising new and innovative ways to communicate.
  2. Always argue – If you continuously argue instead of discussing and debating, then it is a dangerous sign. The negativity fuming from arguments would take an emotional toll on both of you and would further hamper your relationship. Professional counseling would aid you to minimize your arguments by enabling you to comprehend each other's perspectives.
  3. Scared to speak – When you are apprehensive to surface issues that have been bothering you with your counterpart. The issues can range from intimacy, finance, and poor habits. Marriage counseling would let you clarify these conditions and probably find a resolution, if possible.
  4. Restriction in affection – Though this situation is mostly applicable to females, sometimes even men refrain from showering their affection on their partners. All affection would evaporate from your relationship. You need to be careful in these situations and opt for marriage counseling.
  5. A trough in sex life – A fluctuation in the frequency of sex is a sign that not everything is well in your relationship. A bit of tapering off after a quarrel or heated argument is natural, but if it continues to linger at a low level, then these are warning signals. Akin to that, even if a partner is coaxing
  6. It's not unusual for sex to taper off a little after you've been together for a while. However, significant changes in the bedroom signal something is not right. An increase in sex, by the way, is also a sign of challenges, as it can signal one partner trying to make up for something they’re doing that they feel is wrong.
  7. Spousal enmity – If you consider every sign of disagreement, then it is a sure shot sign that you need help. Marriage counseling may aid you to check these kinds of troubling emotions.
  8.  Extra-marital affair – Maybe all of your superficial problems stem from the desire to have an affair outside of wedlock. Honestly, it is up to you to decide whether to walk out or to give up promiscuous thoughts. So, be wise and discuss it with a counselor. The counselor perhaps would be able to guide you on the correct path.
  9. Financial infidelity – Apparently financial infidelity may not seem to be as detrimental as an affair; however, in reality, finances are imperative. So, in case you are a spendthrift and take money out of your combined savings, then most probably your actions would have negative repercussions when your spouse gets a sniff about it.
  10. Seeking change – When you wish your partner to change their nature and habits, you may pressurize them to the point of the brink. You have to remember that change is not natural. Such a kind of dissatisfaction may lead to divorce unless nipped in the bud immediately.

Marital conflicts affect one’s life in the following ways-

  1. An onset of depressive symptoms – Martial conflicts can cause an onset of depressive symptoms. Your picture-perfect is getting torn, so it is obvious that you would be distressed.  
  2. Eating disorders – Many people gravitate towards binge eating to negate the sorrow and loneliness developed from marital conflicts. Eating tends to provide a sense of fulfillment and happiness.
  3. Alcoholism issues – Though it is more prevalent in males, even females get hooked on alcohol, further damaging their lives.
  4. Negative reciprocity – Couples with marriage conflicts tend to reciprocate negatively to their partner's provocations and negativity.
  5. Health deterioration – Marital conflict may cause health deterioration courtesy of stress and negativity.
  6. Physical aggression – When the stress and negativity get out of hand, it may result in physical aggression. Though males are mostly noted for it due to the obvious difference in strength and size, females too start it often. 
  7. Physical injury – Physical injury can be a manifestation of physical aggression. 
  8. Homicide – In rare instances, physical aggregation may even result in homicide. Stats show that women are murdered by mostly their partners.
  9. Poor parenting – The negativity fuming from marital conflict would spread all around your life, including towards your kids. 
  10. Increased chances of parent-child conflict – As children suffer from the negativity arising out of marital conflict, they may develop attitude problems. They also may grow resentment towards parents, which would sooner or later result in a conflict between parents and kids.

The following are the expected benefits and outcomes of marriage counseling-

  1. Improved communication – Marriage counseling would aid you to improve communication between you. As your communication improves, there would be less bitterness between them. 
  2. Revitalize the relationship – Counseling may help you to revitalize your relationship and reconnect. Both of you can set your priorities right and focus on your relationship with a fresh start.

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